Really Expensive Bed Mattress

His side of the bed is too lumpy; forget about the couch or even the kids’ beds. I don’t know why it’s such a big deal, but most people go great lengths just to procure the perfect mattress to lay their weary heads on. If you’re going to pass out faster than light when your head hits the pillow, should the brand, coir, spring, or down really matter? Many may describe sleeping on the Swedish designed Vividus bed as “sleeping on a cloud.” But to me its criminal waste of money. Honey, I’m gonna love my side of the bed forever so you please adjust to your lumpy side too!

Apparently, people with loads of money opt for The Vividus (made by Hastens), Latin for “full of life”, mattresses that cost an astounding $49,500! For those of you rushing out to sign out the checks, do hurry as the price steep up to $59,750 in April.

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