With the holiday season, the number of auctions and fundraisers has definitely gone up. Wonder if it has anything to do with the generosity and spendthrift nature of the buyers this season. Anyway, the auctions and fundraisers are definitely making a lot of money this season for various charities. The latest charity auction that created quite a stir was in Paris where the fashion world gathered around 44 designer Christmas trees at the annual “Les Sapins de Noël des Créateurs” charity. It was the first time that top name artists in the world of design had contributed to the auction and it was a rare opportunity to acquire pieces at a fraction of the price of the artist’s other work. The works included creations by famous designers like Louis Vuitton, Stella McCartney, and many more. But the winner of this auction with the highest bid was the white column of circling shapes from Zaha Hadid which brought in €46,000 ($62,912).
What was unique about this auction was that no live Christmas trees were used in any of the designs, making each and every piece a designer item. All proceeds from this auction went to the Sol En Si charity, an organization that helps children and families living with AIDS. And we are sure fashion journalist Marie-Christiane Marek, who started the charity auction 13 years ago, will be very happy with this year’s contributions. The total amount raised was a whopping €101,000 ($138,327), which will be used to build a home in Togo for children orphaned by the disease. An excellent contribution by the artists for this special cause is bound to bring a lot of smiles to the faces of these less fortunate children.