Sharon and Kelly Osbourne collaborate with Mac cosmetics for two statement collections

I was one of those who fell furiously in love with her Lady Gaga MAC lipstick. So much so that its use date ran out but packaging didn’t. Now if there was ever anything that could’ve replaced that lippie, then I am ecstatic to announce, that ladies, it’s finally here! And it’s got an entire collection to match! Thank you Kelly Osbourne! Geddit? Of course, it doesn’t hurt that mama Osbourne is also in on it.

The Kelly and Sharon Osbourne collaboration with MAC includes a lilac version signed by the lilac haired stylista and TV presenter and a set encased in red packaging, with Sharon’s signature. Saying that both are garnering fans world over, is like stating the obvious. As is this- Kelly’s confession of designing her MAC collection for herself.

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“I keep giggling when I say this because I was my inspiration, and I know it’s really narcissistic to say but I wanted to stay true to me and the colors I love, but at the same time, kind of slightly tweaking them a bit so they’re a bit more for every woman because I know my taste isn’t for everyone.” Want to hear what’s not so obvious?

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Kelly’s collection consists of not one, not two, but four lip colors, a peachy powder blush and a lush eye palette. Meanwhile, Sharon’s half features two new lip glasses in the rose colored Bijou, a glossy neutral, as well as the dazzling Duchess eye palette. Priced for $16.50 – $58, both collections are now available online and at Mac outlets. Happy shopping!

[Available at Mac-Cosmetics : Kelly-Osbourne and Sharon-Osbourne Via The-Gloss]

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