Widely Abused hourglass by Mauro Perucchetti draws attention to precious time

Have you ever felt extremely pressed for time but manage to squeeze in something that is “really important” quite easily? This very act of taking time for granted and abusing it has prompted Mauro Perucchetti to come up with a new artwork called Widely Abused. The hourglass depicts life and death. The 98-centimeters high, 30-centimeters wide, and 30-centimeters broad piece is crafted using pigmented urethane resin, glass, Swarowski crystals, 24-carat gold leaf, sand, and black granite. The artist mentions that the diamonds and the black sand represent the preciousness of life turning into dust. He wanted to give the piece a mystical, nearly magical look. Such a mesmerizing work of art can be commissioned for £80,000 ($128,000). I hope this will eventually help to appreciate the finer things in life!

Thanks Lorena Perucchetti