Just One Eye’s manicure set is bold, versatile and made with 24K gold!

So apparently, the fingernails can tell a lot about a person and are the windows to your health, lifestyle and probably your personal hygiene habits, so regardless of gender, they should be spotless at all times! Being obsessed about fingernail hygiene wouldn’t be the worst thing in the world; and to promote that, here’s a super fab kit to feed the obsession! Just One Eye has the perfect mix of essentials and luxury in the form of their thirteen-piece manicure set. Made from stainless steel, the set pieces have finer ornamental details in 24K gold and all thirteen pieces fit securely in a dark brown leather case; that also folds into a small travel-sized pack. The nail files and cutters, scissors, tweezers etc. look sophisticated and professional, almost putting salon tool kits to shame!

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The neutrality of the set obviously makes it suitable for women and men; which is great because there’s nothing more appealing than a man that cares about well trimmed and maintained nails. Men, take note!
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The set is available at the brand’s website for $4,250.
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Manicure set (1)

[ Available at : Justoneeye ]

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