US Customs seize thousands of fake Yeezys and Dior x Air Jordan 1 sneakers worth $4.3 million in Texas

A part of the world has a penchant for all things expensive- exquisite watches, expensive jewelry, and the finest handbags. But there is also an increasing demand for fakes of all the above-mentioned possessions, and most of all -sneakers. They have made a major comeback in 2020 and the world just can’t have enough of them. A huge population loves the designer tag but not their quality and certainly isn’t ready to pay the price which is why fakes, specifically sneakers, are becoming a flourishing business. One can better understand this demand on learning that more than $4.3 million in counterfeit sneakers were seized in Texas, by U.S. Customs and Border Protection. The consignment contained more than 1,800 pairs of fake Dior x Air Jordan 1 shoes, and not just rare Jordans a few coveted Yeezys were also part of the parcel. According to the report from the CBP, the shipment consisted of 60 boxes originating from Hong Kong and was declared as “Ball Golf” items. The poor quality of workmanship, incorrect packaging, and previous experience with similar products gave away the counterfeit packages.

Dior x Air Jordan 1 have been a craze in 2020 and almost everyone wants them. The sneakers, which retailed for $2,000 in both their high and low-top iterations, are currently reselling for around $10,000.

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[Via: TMZ]

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