Camping is one of the uttermost undervalued forms of having the time of your life. Some people are adventitious to have some bouts of nature around them to enjoy camping. A number of people who live in teeming cities can only dream of it and some can actually go glamping inside a former Etihad jet, one of the coolest overnight accommodations on the market currently. Don’t have time for camping and for those looking for some interesting outdoor activities head to for interesting suggestions. A campsite in the UK has transformed a former Etihad jet into an extraordinary vacation rental. On entering you will find every basic fundamental thing around complete with kitchen gallery and emergency exits. The interiors have been refurbished to some extent; the rear section of the plane still has the original kitchen, overhead luggage compartments, windows, and emergency exits. The livery has also been retained, with “Etihad” emblazoned across the sides. The seats have been stripped out for beds, chairs and a hot shower. The cherry on the plane, if I may adjust the adage is the hotel rooms’ very own wooden terrace where you can enjoy some quiet time outside.
The plane was salvaged from a scrap yard in Cardiff and brought over to Pembroke shire, Wales Apple Campsite by Toby Rhys-Davies. Aviation geeks or adventurous souls can stay at the unique hotel for $250 a night. The hotel room accommodates up to four people. Rhys-Davies named the experience “Arabian Nights”, and planted palm trees around the area to live up to its name.