Broadway starts live streaming with revival of classic hit “She Loves Me”

We have grown up hearing of Broadway, dreaming of someday watching a Broadway show, and some of us have had the luck to witness it. From June 30, we will be able to experience this glamorous show sitting right where you are, at your home. BroadwayHD, a new company that will broadcast theater performances, will stream a live revival performance of Broadway 1963 hit “She Loves Me.” The not-for-profit Roundabout Theater Company supports this.

The show will be available on the internet, Roku, and Apple TV, costing $9.99. It is free for BroadwayHD subscribers and later will be available on its on-demand library. The broadcast will include 9 or 10 cameras in the theater for three performances. This will be brilliant for those who have yearned to catch a glimpse of these famous shows. While in the larger picture, it is beneficial to all beneficiaries of this development, there is a fear that Broadway’s charm might get tainted slightly in its navigation through cables and virtual channels.

But, for now, let us sit back and enjoy the show.

[ Via : Nytimes ]