Calvin Klein “Graffiti” Dinnerware Collection-designer tableware

The necessities of everyday living are one of our greatest luxuries. Imagine surrounding yourself with beautifully designed tableware, cutlery, glassware and giftware that reflects the versatility and timeless style. Bask in the warmth of settings that reflect your taste, personality and lifestyle. Savour the memories that come from special times shared with family and friends and of course Calvin Klein “Graffiti” Dinnerware Collection. Enthused by the urban landscape, Graffiti Dinnerware is a fascinating mix of fresh contemporary design and imperfect hand-thrown artistry. The rich pomegranate stoneware features white textural accents in four geometric patterns; vertical lines, dots, crosshatch patterns and horizontal lines.

Microwavable and dishwasher safe, this collection is available for $12.50 – $150.00 ($56 for 4-piece place setting). Calvin Klein is one of the world’s leading lifestyle design and marketing companies. The brand name “Calvin Klein” is one of the worlds most valuable alongside Pepsi, Kodak, IBM, and Nike. We’ll put a big wager on the fact that everyone reading this feature either possesses some item that says Calvin Klein or knows someone who does.