Want to save money and do your bit to help the environment? Reduce your rising utility bills AND fossil fuel consumption by heating your spa water with the Solar Powered Spa Heating Cover. As we have mentioned earlier, solar energy is just another form of fuel used to heat your pool. This Solar Powered Heating Cover too provides FREE HEAT from the sun so you can heat your pool 10° to 15° without using an ounce of electricity or gas! This cover uses two layers of durable UV-resistant vinyl that use solar energy to heat your outdoor whirlpool or spa, and it reduces water and your spas chemicals less through evaporation. The transparent upper layer of vinyl focuses sunlight onto the lower translucent blue layer, which absorbs 50% of incoming sunlight, converting it to heat. The remaining balance of the sunlight passes through the translucent layer for deep water heating.
The cover has three inflatable rings that allow it to float and fit your spa; outer un-inflated sections simply settle into the water. Easy to clean with a sponge and mild detergent solution and light enough to install and remove, unlike heavier tarps, the cover may be used on all above- and below-ground chlorine or saltwater system spas. Moreover, internal magnets help clarify water. Sized at 102” diameter, this cover not only adds warmth to your spa but also keeps it clean at just $80.