Swim in money Uncle Scrooge style – For sale a Swiss bank safe laden with 8 million coins

When did you last purchase a bank safe? And one with money at that! Never mind the answer, but if you want to, the answer to that lies in James Edition’s ‘Extraordinaire.’ The extraordinary item in question is an original, coin-laden Swiss Bank deposit safe.

If you ever loved to hate the stingy old Uncle $crooge then this will bring cartoon flashbacks. Coined the “Money Swimming Pool” (pun clankingly intended), the safe is on sale and “safe” to say it contains 8 Million pieces of Swiss 5 cent coins or 15 tons of “liquid” money.
The original bank is safe from the former “Schweizer Volksbank,” it is currently located in Basel, Switzerland. It is known to be one of the finest Swiss pieces of craftwork from the early 20th Century, with the striking history behind it. Still usable and in very good shape, its boxes and lockers are a handmade fabrication of steel and brass, and plinth elements are marble.
So whether it is to channel your inner Scrooge or to invest in some global culture simply, you can make the safe yours at a price available only on request. “It will be removed from its original location and be replaced anywhere in the world. You’ll freely decide what happens with it.”

Also read -  Suite of the week – Suite of Arts at the PALACE LUZERN in Switzerland


[Via – Jamesedition]

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