Remember, we had enlightened you with Ten Ideas to Make a Million Dollars Online sometime back. We presuppose, this idea has sprouted from one such site! One of the phenomena that the dot-com revolution has revived is the alleged “money-making idea”. The main purpose of these ideas is to find a fast way to make easy copious money. The thing that distinguishes and makes it stand out amid all the “money-making ideas” is its intention to do the opposite, by giving away a one million dollar check and providing a good laugh while doing so. Checking this site will reveal a funny and refreshing background story that combines humor, cynicism, sophistication, and contains-the site story, a nice blog, 10 featured sites, & much more. The million dollars have to come from somewhere. Therefore, checking the site isn’t totally free. It costs a small fee of $1.78 US through Paypal.
The visitor who will check this site for the millionth time will be awarded One million dollar In addition, occasionally, the visitor that will check the site for the 1000th time at a particular hour or day (that will be announced on the site’s open page) will get 1000$ (All according to the terms and conditions).
Although the site has a humorous side, the million-dollar check part is for real. And it’s as serious as it gets. The developers hope visitors will find the site amusing, refreshing, interesting, and most of all, enjoyable.
Check it out here.