Couture Accessories to Enhance Your Pet

Looking for the latest in designer pet wear? Want to be the first to color-coordinate your pet with their own accessories? Following the Studio Haus & Pad abode, we now enlighten you on Couture Accessories to deck up your pooch. Luxury leather accessories are customized with cut, polished real semi-precious or faux stones to match your pet’s combination of colors. Products are made from hand-stitched harness leather though soft leather is considered for small pets. Each product sports gold-plated hooks, buckle and rim for beauty and durability. Pet owners can select a design and their choice of semi-precious (combination of agate, onyx, and jasper) or European faux stones and the bespoke designer wear is ready for the pet. Comfort and safety without sacrificing your pet’s fashion sense.

Nela Kash, President of Couture Accessories Inc. says “A pet collar or harness is a pet’s most fashionable statement showing the world just how pampered and stylish he is. Yes, people often spend more on their pet than on themselves.”
Price depends on options.
A benign motive to purchase this product -California based Couture Accessories also donates a percentage of the proceeds to animal shelters.