A pink airplane soars high over pink Bentleys and Bugattis

You think only a kid can fantasize about flying a pink airplane high up in the sky! Judy Betz from Weisdale, Florida dared to realize her dreams and commissioned a custom-paint job in the shades that every girl can dream of. Her RV-12 airplane glistens in pearl pink with mauve, lavender, and purple flowers on it. Aptly dubbed Bella Rosa, the two-seater airplane sports a purple monogrammed canopy over the cockpit. And this is not her first pink plane. She had a Luscombe, named ‘Miss Piggy,’ which was also all pink with a pair of eyes painted on her. Paris and Katie, are you reading this? It’s time to move over your pink cars as well as bikes and soar high in a pink-ified aircraft!

Also read -  A Texas company is developing a supersonic aircraft so fast that it will fly you from New York and land in London by the time the passengers would have finished watching a single episode of 'The Simpsons.'


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