Boeing lets you shower your way to your destination!

I don’t know whether to call it good news for globetrotters or regular voyagers or a futile gimmick. Ok, let me get the picture clear. Most of the people have an aversion to long flights. Landing back is like emancipation for some. Now when en route to your destination, would you bother to take a shower? Yeah, you heard me right a shower! Some may eschew the idea but on second thoughts the clean bees would be more than happy and that’s what Boeing will bank on. They seem to feel that in-flight showering is something passengers will want so they commissioned an 11 person team to find a feasible way to pull it off. But so much water means so much extra weight. To deal with the ‘weighty’ issue the solution is an in-flight shower system with special nozzles that turn a small amount of water into a large amount of mist.

The shower unit is a watertight cylinder with very fine nozzles all around. As the traveller steps inside, an optical sensor measures their height and shape and pumps water mixed with shampoo at high pressure through only those nozzles needed to cover the body. The resulting very fine mist is electrically ionized as it leaves the nozzles and is therefore attracted to the earthed body – so no misty water is wasted. The nozzles then emit a mist of pure water, for rinsing, followed by warm air for drying. Let’s just wait and watch what a clean sweep this one is!