If you’re a Star Wars fan, I am sure at least once in your life you must have wanted to get yourself a working replica of Luke Skywalker’s X-34 Landspeeder. As a kid, I searched many a toy stores and hobby shops to find the perfect scale model of the cool levitating speeder; and I never found one. But, good news! Now you can buy a working Landspeeder – it doesn’t actually hover, but move on wheels – which has been introduced by Radio Flyer and will be available for sale this September. However, the bad news is you will have to be as tiny as Master Yoda to fit into it and drive around on the Landspeeder replica. It is designed for kids and can support a maximum load of 130 pounds.
The battery-powered Landspeeder has driver and passenger seats and an interactive dashboard with light and sound effects. The electric motor under the body can propel it to a top speed of 5 miles per hour. The tiny X-34 Landspeeder is priced at $500 and is available to preorder now through toy retailer Toys”R”Us for US and limited international shipments, which includes the UK.