Virgin Atlantic staff at Heathrow uses Google Glass to aid first class passengers

A year back when Google Glass was introduced only for the early adopters, it was expected to be a huge hit with the geeks and techies. But no one really expected it to find its way to help authorities and big corporations to give out better services; at least not till the final production version hits the markets which is scheduled for the end of this year. The news of NYPD testing the smart wearable technology came in just a few days back, and now Virgin Atlantic has announced that they have launched a pilot scheme trialing the Google Glass along with Sony SmartWatch 2 at the Heathrow airport. Virgin Atlantic has always been one of the early adopters of new technology and was the first airline to allow mobile connectivity and SMS texting on board in 2011.

Starting from Tuesday, the airline is conducting a six-week trial in which they have equipped their special concierge staff at the Heathrow airport with Google Glass and Sony SmartWatch 2. Those with the tickets for upper-class will be attended by the staff who with the aid of the wearable technologies will be able to update passengers on their latest flight information, weather and local events at their destination and translate any foreign language information. Virgin is claiming a first for a trial of Google Glass in the airline industry, but it won’t be surprising if others follow in soon.

Also read -  This is what the first class cabin of the Virgin Hyperloop may look like

[Via – The-Verge]

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