Dogs bury bones. Squirrels gather nuts to last through the winter. Camels store food and water to travel through deserts. And we humans save our money in Pigs……. Piggy banks! How about saving for a rainy day in a Classic Gold Piggy Bank? The amazing piglet is actual size and comes in bright gold. Part of the Reality products by designer Harry Allen, the classic piggy bank takes its form from a real pig. The first series of Harry Allen products is called Reality, which features objects whose form is sampled from existing sources. His design process emphasizes the inherent beauty of things – beauty from concept, beauty from materials, and beauty from structure.
$266 (£140) is a hefty sum to get hold of this piggy to salt away your coins (savings). Your friends will be chasing you to find out where you got this blingy Gold Piggy Bank.
Dimensions: 19 x 5.5 x 10.5 inches
Weight: 2.1kgs
Classic Gold Piggy Bank for your Savings