They say you are the master of your own destiny, so who am I to judge you if you opt for an airline that allows you to smoke onboard. I promise not to preach, but honey it’s your lungs we are taking about, it’s up to you to smoke down to cancerland if you want to! Moving on, Smintair, is the airline that allows its passengers to smoke onboard. On flights between Germany and Japan (Düsseldorf International and Central International near Nagoya, Japan), passengers are allowed to light up their fav cigars and pipes between delicious meals, quite like the retro 60’s style. The airline expects to cash in on the fact that almost 25% of Germans and 49% of Japanese are smokers. With technical support from Lufthansa Technik to maintain the two Boeing 747s acquired from South African Airways, SMINTair is ready to take to the skies hopefully by mid-December.
SMINTair is quite the other side of the spectrum, considering the no-smoking all-business-class flights that operate across the North Atlantic offered by Lufthansa, Silverjet, Eos and Maxjet. Niche airlines. The cabin of the SMINTair plane will offer 30 first-class and 108 business-class seats (with seat pitches of 80 inches – about 203 centimeters – and 70 inches, respectively) and three lounges, including a cocktail bar serving oysters and champagne. Tickets are to be priced at €4,359 ($6,000) for business and €10,458 (14,420) for first-class seats on a round-trip flight from Frankfurt to Tokyo.