Michelle Obama’s expensive vegetable shopping trip

I enjoy stepping out in the evening to pick up some fresh greens to stir up a healthy meal. Guess Michelle Obama enjoys doing the same. However, I just spend on the stuff that I pick up, and she makes the taxpayers pay for all the security needed when she is out to buy some food. When the First Lady decided to hit the local farmer’s market, just a short block or two away from the White House, her armored limousine was accompanied by a troop of Security Service and Police. About three dozen vehicles swarmed the place, and H Street, Vermont Avenue, two lanes of I Street, and an entrance to the McPherson Square Metro station were shut down. Barricades were put up to keep the public out, and bomb-sniffing dogs checked for anything that could probably blow up the First Lady’s plans.

A special-ops modified Apache helicopter, hellfire-stinger-sidewinder-equipped, and upgraded A-10 Warthog-class 40mm Gatling gun was swarming over the crowd. Following all this, Mrs. Obama stepped out and filled her straw basket with Asian pears, cherry tomatoes, multicolored potatoes, free-range eggs, and two bunches of Tuscan kale at the “Farm at Sunnyside” tent. Though the products’ cost didn’t total up to a scary bill, it’s the entire security stunt that also accounts up for the whole trip of grocery shopping.