It always begins with one, then two, and before you know it, you have a closet full of designer bags. This is the story of every “bag obsessed” shopaholic. And our most celebrity shopaholic, Victoria Beckham, too, seems to have no control over her addiction to bags. The lady, who reportedly has a Birkin bag collection worth £1 million ($1.5million), is definitely not satisfied with it. No wonder then, the lady has made another addition to her exquisite collection. The former Posh Spice was recently spotted sporting her newest £24,740 ($38,930) Birkin handbag. The exquisite burgundy bag is reportedly a Christmas gift from husband David. The design named the Bordeaux porosus crocodile perfectly complements the style icon. With this latest addition, I think it is not wrong to assume that Mrs. Beckham now has a Birkin for every outfit and occasion!
If you have the kind of dough like Mrs. Beckham, there is no harm in indulging in a Birkin obsession.
[Marie Claire]