DNA11…Decorating the decor with DNA!

Decorating your house or room or anything with your very own DNA is a thought that has got me all excited. This idea will surely redefine the meaning of personalisation, taking it to whole new level. DNA 11 is a company that will transform a swab of your DNA into a contemporary-looking canvas with an artistic image of your DNA on it. The company allows you to specify the color and size, and it will also allow you to place up to four different DNA images on the same canvas. So you can choose if you want your bedroom to have a colourful reproduction of your lips or your fingerprints.

It is also an awesome way to remember and immortalise your family members, For e.g. a finger print of your ailing grandmother or your parents who live in some other continent or even your kids. DNA portraits start at $390, while lips and fingerprints begin at $290 and $190 respectively.