Canadian company Mariclaro is offering a cool twist on traditional luggage. They use leather reclaimed from discarded items such as car seats to create handbags, laptop bags, wallets and even luggage. We especially love their weekend bags crafted from the seat leather of luxury cars including Cadillacs and Lamborghinis. These bags form Mariclaro’s Drive collection.
The brand will even tell you exactly what car your bag came from. For example this Weekender 1969 Lamborghini Espada Series 1 is predictably created from the original leather seats of a 1969 Lamborghini Espada Series 1. It’s priced at $1,359.
According to the brand, every piece in the collection is unique and one-of-a-kind. This black weekender comes from a 1990 Porsche 911 – Series 964.
This red bag features some obvious wear, that’s because it originated from a 1952 Mercedes W186 – 300 Adenauer Cabriolet. It carries a heavy price tag of $1039.
The Drive collection also includes messenger bags and purses but the weekenders are our favorites. There’s something unique and personal about reclaimed and repurposed items. Not only do they have a history, but also a second life! To get your own piece of automobile history visit Mariclaro’s website:
[ Available at : Mariclaro ]