At $100,000 this is the world’s most expensive yoga mat

While the wellness and fitness industry is witnessing a revolutionary transformation over the past few years, there are a few things that I can’t get myself to acknowledge. For example, this $ 15,000 yoga mat. Yes, I agree that the Chakracarma yoga mat is made of handcrafted leather and embedded with precious stones, but how can you possibly spend such an alarming sum of money on a fitness mat?

Not only is the price of the yoga mat approximately $15,000, but that is only the lower end of the spectrum. Depending on the customisation and weight or carat of the stones you choose (yes, you heard it right) the price of each mat can go up to an earth-shattering $100,000.

Of course, the mat is all about enhancing your everyday experience. And apparently, a bed of stones is what elevates your experience! Each mat entails a selection of gems: a diamond (0.70 carats), ruby (3.5 carats), emerald (1 carat), sapphire (2.5 carats), amber (3 carats), opal (2 carats) and carnelian (3 carats). Thankfully the stones are not purely ornamental, and the vibrations and vibes that they emit, charge your chakras and ensure you connect on a spiritual wavelength.

Truthfully, I am rather happy with my $10-$15 mats. They seem to do their job rather thoroughly I might add.

[Available at:Chakracarma Via:Lifestyleasia]