In a first Dior is selling handbags in China via WeChat

Thanks to technology, you name what you want and you have it at tip of your fingers. Cashing on this trend are online retailers who lure us into buying just about everything with a smart display of their product lines. However online shopping regulars would know what a rarity it is to find luxury brands online. Catering to this very demand is Dior who launched its first selling circle on popular Chinese social network- WeChat.

The iconic brand posted its limited addition Lady Dior bag for sale exclusively for WeChat users. The bag comes in a small size and a unique Rose Poudre color with the users being given an option to customize few features on the bag as per their liking. Leaving no stone unturned when it came to advertisement, Dior publicized the bag as “Lady Dior Small China Valentine “(considering August 9th is the Chinese Valentine’s Day) on its official WeChat public account while also realizing a sponsored ad on WeChat moments. The online sale which was to be held from August 1st to August 4th was cut short as all the bags were sold out by Tuesday. Nevertheless, the bags will continue to be sold in offline shops post August 4 for the same price.

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With Dior and other luxury brands facing a major sale crash in China, the launch of this online WeChat boutique has been quite a clever move. Consultancy major, Ipsos Group also confirmed the future of online luxury shopping by stating that 36 percent of shoppers in China were willing to buy luxury goods online. With the current dearth of a luxury e-commerce platform in China, luxury brands are certain to capitalize millions if they follow into Dior’s footsteps.

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[ Via : People ]

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