Think MontBlanc and what comes to mind are the fine writing pieces it is known for. While the brand has made quite as expansion covering fragrances, eyewear, and so on, a surprising addition to its expanding kitty is the Urban Spirit Backpack range designed especially for the urban traveler. As the name declares, the Backpack is designed to meet the always-on-the-go urban clan’s travel needs.
Made in black Italian leather, each Backpack comes with a custom-made storm cover designed as a travel map covering the metro, subway, and transit routes of four legendary cities: New York, Seoul, Paris, and London. Apart from being your handy navigation guide, these covers can also protect your Backpack from those unexpected downpours. The covers’ quirky design breaks the boring monotony of the black while managing to give a contemporary twist to the range.
Functionally speaking, these Montblanc backpacks are a good option for that on-the-run sort of days. You can now save yourself the misery of fumbling through the bag each time your phone rings, as the Backpack comes with personalized pocket space for a phone. Incorporated in the design are also a see-through section for headphones, a compartment for laptops, and a satellite system. If that’s not enough, the Backpack can be effortlessly converted into a document case holder more suited for a business look with a few quick adjustments. Limited to only five pieces for each of the dedicated cities, the Urban Spirit Backpack is a star that is sure to be priced like one!
Beyond pens – MontBlanc unveils limited edition Backpack range for travelers