Raffaella Montalban unveils line of bejeweled sunglasses

After bejeweled timepieces and headphones, the latest accessory to get a bejeweled treatment is sunglasses. Yes, we are talking about the same stylish accessories that shield your eyes from the sun and do wonders for your style statement. And the bejeweled treatment is not provided by a frame made of gold or studded with diamonds. In fact, the bejeweled sunglasses I am talking about feature no rods at all! Raffaella Montalban’s brainchild, this line of bejeweled glasses does away with traditional rods and replaces them with soft strings of pearls and natural stones. The strings which extend behind your ear and dangle like earrings are sure to make quite a few heads turns. The various precious stones used in the strings include mother of pearl, coral reefs, then topaz, agate, amber, jade, etc.

The entire collection is breathtaking and sure to appeal to every woman. My personal favorites are the sunglasses with quartz pendants and carved mother of pearl and smoky quartz drops which cost € 700 ($980) and the sunglasses with blue striped poles in unstructured iolite briolet with rose quartz and blue drop which are priced at € 1,050 ($1472).

Also read -  A former Beatles chauffeur got $183,000 for a pair of John Lennon’s iconic round-rim sunglasses


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