Paul Smith Limited Edition Audio Technica Headphones

Back in 2009, famous British fashion designer Paul Smith collaborated with sound experts Audio Technica to come up with a limited edition pair of ATH-A50 full-size stereo headphones that featured a gold aluminum housing inscribed with Mr. Smith’s signature. They have teamed up once again to design another limited release headphones dubbed ‘More Noise’. Audio Technica by Paul Smith ATH-PS3 limited edition headphones feature a swivel mechanism, a mirrored, stainless house with the words ‘More’ and ‘Noise’ written in Smith’s own handwriting; soft comfortable head and ear pads, a1.2m cord, and come packaged in a small Paul Smith X Audio Technica tote bag. If you want a set of these Paul Smith Limited Edition Audio Technica Headphones, they are available now for £199 (about $313) from Paul Smith.


Also read -  Paul Smith X Mercian create a $11,200 fixed gear bike for city cycling


[Available at Paul-Smith]

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