Hello! Can you feel the bling in my words? Nah, but I am sure if you have to say a few words with the Gold Privé Phone, the listener will feel the difference! And who cares about the listener? I am sure you will definitely love yakking on a diamond-studded solid gold phone. This retro brick phone is shaped out of 900 grams of 22 ct solid gold while 76 diamonds (23 ct) bedazzle the color screen. You can grab this Midas touched handset for £139,995 (about $212,500) and also gain a $20,000 worth of one-year membership to Privé International for free along with the phone. This luxurious membership will render access to all of Privé ’s luxury amenities, from private jet/yachts charters to vacation properties. Only 10 such phones will be available through Privé International and Stuart Hughes.
Thanks Stuart
Diamond-studded Gold Privé Phone to talk in Midas style