Dyson has designed a ventilator in 10 days and will soon produce 15,000 of them to help Covid-19 patients in the UK

Covid-10 has brought us closer together as a human race. Conglomerates too are contributing in the fight against the pandemic, and in acting on similar lines- UK-based technology giant- Dyson is now set to produce ventilators to support patients infected by the deadly coronavirus. Yes, that’s right!

The company began building a prototype after receiving a request from the UK government who along with the National Health Service (NHS) is treating those affected by the respiratory illness. Equipped with smart technology, the ventilator – called CoVent, has been designed by the marquee within 10 days in association with the medical device company – The Technology Partnership (TTP). It is battery-powered, portable and can easily be mounted to a patient’s bed, which makes it one of the most sought-after devices at present.

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Commenting on it, Dyson in a statement said, “The core challenge was how to design and deliver a new, sophisticated medical product in volume and in an extremely short space of time,” The company further added, “This new device can be manufactured quickly, efficiently and at volume. The race is now on to get it into production.”
In all, Dyson will produce 15,000 units of the ‘CoVent’ and will donate 1000 pieces to the UK and a remaining 4000 internationally. Here’s hoping for the coronavirus to be nipped in the bud at the earliest!

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[Via: Dezeen]

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