Rev up your mornings with a $15,000 racecar-inspired coffee machine

It’s the start of the year. Well almost, especially for lazy bums like me. So I thought, why not bring to you some start-of-the-day special-ness. This was what instantly came to mind! A kick ass coffee machine! Enter Espresso Veloce Serie Titanio V12, a state-of-the-art espresso-spewing fiend. This coffee machine is so state-of-the-art it puts racecars to shame. Really!

Inspired by the engine of a Formula 1 machine, it is made from race-ready materials like titanium, aluminum and stainless steel. The “exhaust pipes” are made from titanium and deliver the coffee into ‘piston cups’ of stainless steel. Even the tips are blued with heat- very à la racing car exhaust system and very chic. Perhaps to induct speed lovers into the world of caffeine junkies, or vice-versa maybe!

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Either way, we are digging this mammoth coolness that, despite its 90 precision components is completely counter ready. Or at least 500 of its units are, for $15,000 each. The coffee-loving folks over at Espresso Veloce are also offering a V8 and a V10 engine, plus a Serie Carbonio Nero black carbon-fiber version for all three. Only question remains, in case of a malfunction, would a garage be the place to park this baby?

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[Via – Espresso-Veloce]

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