The World’s 50 Best Restaurants has launched ’50 best for recovery’ to raise funds for Covid hit restaurants and bars

Covid-19 has paralyzed the economy of our Planet; many industries have been struck ruthlessly owing to social distancing and lockdowns that were the need of the minute. The food & beverage industry is probably one of the worst-hit of them all. The question that arises now is after a manageable survival what can be done for revival? This is where ‘the world’s 50 best restaurants’ organization enters the picture for betterment with its three-pronged fundraising campaign. After their sagacious decision to temporarily freeze the 2020 ranking and all the events connected to it, they are focusing on 50 Best for Recovery, with three different charity initiatives. This commences with ‘The 50 Best Recovery Fund’, backed by S.Pellegrino and Acqua Panna, that will aid a range of international non-profit organizations to help the f&b sector’s survival and gradual revival. The second initiative is ‘50 Best Recovery Hubs’ a platform of support and wealth of advice and information for those in the food and beverage business. The recovery hub will highlight restaurants that are gearing up for reopening and also include diners looking to lend a hand in reviving the industry.

The third initiative is the publication of the digital recipe book ” Home Comforts: simple lockdown recipes from the world’s best chefs and bartenders”. For a nominal fee, this e-book can be purchased and also kick-off a special social challenge, called # 50BestRateMyPlate that can make things fun. recreate the wonderful recipes of dishes and drinks from the book, and be judged by the famous chefs of the world. By September, a new multi-day virtual event format called the Recovery Summit will unite the restaurant community online with tools like master classes, conferences, interviews, and discussion forums to ease out their difficulties.

Also read -  5 most expensive restaurants in San Francisco (2016)

[Know more at 50 Best Recovery Hub]

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