IMAX Private Theatre delivers the ultimate in-home entertainment experience

There has to be at least an instance where you have been astounded by the varieties and variations that have come up in home theater experiences. We’ve come across the Star Trek themed home theater with real props, the Crimson red home theatre, the Dark Knight themed custom home theater and the very aweing Pirates of the Caribbean inspired home theatre. IMAX had in the past made available home theater experience with TOOB dome television. Now, going a step further, it’s taking the initiative to build custom home theater experiences for a select few.

The deal would include IMAX taking up the whole project of revamping your room with custom designs as suggested by you. Moreover, the brand would involve its expert team to build in equipment to IMAX specifications offering the best in multi-sensory experience.

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Breathtaking 2D and 3D images, impeccable sound quality, and special theater designing is all part of the package. The IMAX group promises to work closely with your architects, developers, and designers to ensure optimum performance. It has also made provisions to stay in touch 24×7 around the year to rectify complaints if any.

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For about $1-$2 million, you can get the IMAX Private Theatre customized for your den.

[Imaxprivatetheater Via Gizmodiva]

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