Another bizarre concept with a million-dollar tag to sell to those who don’t mind flinging a million. An opulent work of art has shaken the world of fishing lures! MacDaddy, a jewelry designer in Las Vegas has put the bling on your string! The MacDaddy’s line is crafted to be dazzlingly versatile and is designed to catch world-class fishermen. The lure glistens under the lights because they are studded with diamonds and other valuable stones that most people wouldn’t ever dream of tying on the end of their line. The Million Dollar Lure is crafted in just over 3 pounds of glimmering gold and platinum and then encrusted with 100 carats of diamonds and rubies (4,753 stones to be exact).
This extraordinary Big Game Lure is over 12 inches in length. The $1,000,000.00 lure is designed to catch world-class fishermen and fishes alike. The other works of art include 14-karat solid gold spoons with diamonds attached. The cost runs from $800 to $1 million. If that’s a little exorbitant, you might want to check out their limited edition lures and flies that range from $900 to $12,000.