Safeguard your valuables with the Underwood Jewelry Safe & Watch Winder

When you have a good collection of expensive and limited edition watches and priceless jewelry, then you should have their safety as one of your top priorities! But you don’t need to go looking too far. Just have a look at the Underwood Jewelry Safe & Watch Winder. This 40-module unit not only protects your valuables but also winds your watches automatically!

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The safe has 40 Underwood watch winding modules, which are external powers through a single transformer. The total weight of the safe is 730Kgs, and it is 69 inches high, 27.5 inches wide, and 24 inches deep. The safe is made of 2 inches of armor steel plate wall and a2.75 inch door made from the same steel. The safe is available at $85,700 and works on either electricity or batteries.

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