Fashion blogger Colette LeClair and her latest Instagram post has the world divided. The blogger was on the receiving end of intense backlash for posing in an orange dress in front of the amber-toned sky over California and Oregon while advertising the dress in the caption. Many termed the attempt as insensitive as wildfires across the West Coast caused the sky to turn orange this week. Her orange colored dress perfectly matched the eerily-orange sky damaged by ravaging wildfire. It garnered comments that were both appreciative and demeaning in nature. LeClair’s post included two photos of her standing barefoot on a beach. “My last day here! Wanted to say goodbye to the ocean and beach and do something I used to enjoy so much here for years- TRIPOD PHOTOS,” she wrote in the caption. While some say it is grim to use an ecological tragedy of this nature as a backdrop to promote a dress that’s cleverly selected to match the tragedy, some said wildfires happen often and the influencer “has to make a living” and cannot stop working to “mourn for the dying Earth.”
Initially, LeClair turned off the comments on her Instagram post and soon followed it up with an updated caption that read, “To clarify — I drove to the beach on my last night in town and took photos, I love taking photos. I have taken photos for the last 3 years in this city. I love this city,” she wrote. “There have been fires going on for weeks in California. It is devastating. Prayers for people dealing with the fires. SENDING YOU ALL LOVE.” LeClair enjoys 30,000 followers on Instagram.
[Via: Insider]