ZG Aerospace lets you send your stuff to space

Everyone dreams of going to space but everyone isn’t an astronaut or a billionaire. So what? You don’t have to sulk at that thought. You can have your belongings sent to space. I wonder why anyone would do that. Probably to boast of an alien who is in possession of your business card, or for feeling connected to cosmos in whatever little way it could be feasible. A Seattle company is willing to help – by sending your ‘stuff’ into space. You can send your business card into space with ZG Aerospace for $50 or titanium rings for $250. Your stuff will be sent into space at an altitude of 62-70 miles up and will return to earth after 4 minutes of weightlessness.

ZG Aerospace founder, Tom Gonser, is surprised by how many people have responded. At least 200 have signed up to send their stuff aboard the maiden flight in July at New Mexico’s Spaceport. Some people are very supportive no matter what.