Not your ordinary pooch: This dog inherited $5 million after owner’s death

The love between a pet pooch and its owner is powerful; in the case of Lulu, an 8-year-old border collie, it was $5 million strong! The wealthy owner left the watchdog at his home in Nashville, millions to pamper the pooch even after death. The dog’s owner Bill Dorris left the now filthy prosperous canine in the care of Martha Burton, Lulu’s caretaker now. Burton mentioned that the two had been together for years as the 88-year-old. She said, “Well, he always left the dog for me to take care of. He loved that dog.” The will reads- ‘$5,000,000 will be transferred to a trust to be formed upon my death for the care of my border collie Lulu. This trust is to provide for all the needs of Lulu. The dog will remain in possession of Martha Burton.’ while it is unclear what Lulu will begin this pampering spree of a whopping $5 million with, a concrete gold dog bowl or diamond-encrusted collar; Burton, when asked about ways to spend $5 million, says with a smile, “Well, I’d like to try.”

About the owner 84-year-old Doris, an unmarried and successful businessman, who owned and invested in a vast real estate. His property is currently under inspection and it is not clear exactly how much it is worth but the kind-hearted dog-lover has left Lulu enough money to pay for more kibbles than any dog ​​could imagine.

Also read -  Pet dog gets the boot after she chews off owner’s $130,000 Aston Martin

[Via: Eminetra Today]

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