Inside Joan Rivers’ Upper East Side Penthouse a gold plated renaissance palace

Joan Rivers was known for her larger-than-life personality and love for glamor; both traits are well reflected in the comedienne’s Upper East Side penthouse which might soon be on the market. The 5,000-square-foot abode is so ridiculously opulent that then witty blonde once famously claimed that, “This is how Marie Antoinette would have lived if she had money.” After getting a sneak peek into the palatial residence, we’re inclined to agree.

The plush drawing room is done in a muted pinks and gold featuring glittering chandeliers and sconces, gold detailing on the walls, and floral prints on the carpets and chairs. The finishing touch is a glossy black piano.

joan-rivers-penthouse-2Throughout the apartment, intricate gold molding, gold pillars and wood burning fireplaces are a constant.

joan-rivers-penthouse-3The bedroom boasts more pink color schemes, a luxe four poster bed as well as draperies.

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joan-rivers-penthouse-4The luxurious bathroom boasts white marble counters and gold sinks reflected in vast bulb framed mirrors reminiscent of starlets’ backstage dressing rooms.

joan-rivers-penthouse-5Typical of large homes, the penhouse boasts numerous sitting areas. This one is outfitted with large windows, wood floors, a mahogany table and large chairs upholstered in maroon fabric. Don’t miss the silver knick-knacks on the table.

joan-rivers-penthouse-6This one appears to be more lived in with comparatively restrained furnishings that include a wall of books and a flat screen television.

joan-rivers-penthouse-7A leopard print carpet and large stacks of books are the focal points in this room.

120125_EJ_1e62_0035.jpgIn this room the ceiling is painted to resemble the sky. One wall boasts a reading alcove while right below it rests a window seat upholstered in richly detailed fabrics.

joan-rivers-penthouse-9This cast iron door marks the entrance to the palatial home.

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According to the Real Estate grapevine, Joan, who took possession of the house in the 1980s, was the one who gave the apartment it’s gold plated renaissance makeover, yet since 2009 she tried numerous times to sell it in a bid to move to the west coast. In 2012 the house was listed for $29.5 million. However we hear that now it could be worth as much a $35 million. Basically, selling this house would give you enough money to fund your own summer blockbuster movie.

joan-rivers-penthouse-10We imagine interior design enthusiasts will be polarized in their opinions about this property considering current fashion moves in the direction of sleek minimalism. But while it still contains Joan’s Makeup, clothing and notecards from her various shows, it remains a tribute to one of comedy’s few female icons.

[Via – Dailymail]

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