Behold the world’s fastest camera car that cost a million dollars and took seven months to make

What happens when you strap one of the most advanced camera rigs to the front of a Lamborghini Huracán? You get the fastest camera car in the world that is capable of taking shots that were basically impossible till now. Meet the one-of-a-kind, million-dollar camera car that has been created by Incline Dynamic Outlet, which leases and operates the world’s smallest and most advanced gyro-stabilized camera platforms. Production companies have long used trucks modified into camera rigs to shoot high-speed scenes. “What happens when you put 1,600 pounds on an SUV and try and run at track speed while filming the world’s top cars? Up to 60 miles an hour if you’re lucky,” co-founder of the company, Nathan Garofalos, told PetaPixel.

While working on the production of The Deadliest Catch recently, the team at Incline Dynamic Outlet decided it needed a faster camera rig. That’s when they came up with the idea of putting a camera on a Lamborghini Huracán. Dubbed the “Huracam,” the setup uses a Huracán with 5.2-liter V10 under the hood that produces 600 horsepower and has a top speed of 201mph. The gimbal used in the rig is from a company called Gyro Stabilized Systems and the camera is a Red Epic 8K body that can mount multiple lenses. Founders Nathan Garofalos and Chris Fuelner told Jalopnik that the car took seven months to make, but they’re not done yet; the team wants to make the gimbal unit top- and back-mountable as well. A “plethora” of jobs have already started lining up for the Huracam — everything from car commercials to Hollywood blockbusters, Garofalos says.

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