Someone wise once said that you have to wait for all the good things in life… and if it means waiting for your very own Ferrari then it’s definitely worth the wait. And if you go by the word two years in just the least with the standard waiting time for the new Ferrari creeping past the two-year mark. In some cases, the figure is as high as three years. Even with an output of 5700 cars in 2006, supply can’t match demand. As exclaimed by the chairman Luca Cordero di Montezemolo that Ferrari would never sell more than 5000 cars a year, the company has since passed that milestone, but all said and done they still have done nothing to meet the ever-increasing demand from the Middle East and Asia. And if that wasn’t all by the time a customer receives his or her car, a new or updated model has already hit the block (wonder if the waiting helped or otherwise…). Micheal Mastrangelo, a Ferrari dealer said his customers wait for an average three years to acquire the car of their dreams and when those cars do arrive, a price above MSRP is a safe bet.
Well, each to his own…I wouldn’t give a damn if it meant waiting for an eternity for a Ferrari and I’m sure I have millions to second that thought in the meanwhile you can have two babies.