Ergonomically designed for the disabled and the elderly folks, this electric wheelchair from Japan scores high on appearance. Veda International Robot R&D Center’s Rodem M1-1 is the product that I am talking about. Priced at $5,300 to $7,500, this wheelchair runs about four hours on a single feed (charge). Fitted with a joystick accelerator, it can speed up to 3.5 kilometers (2 miles) per hour. The USP of this wheelchair is its well-designed, user-friendly form. Users, immobile or old, can mount on it by just sitting on the bed, leaning forward, and sliding on to the Rodem M1-1. Such a scooter-looking wheelchair will lure all those who seek assistance in moving about with style. Bet you wouldn’t be able to stop kids too from taking it for a ride when vacant. Expect to see this good-looking electric wheelchair hit the shelves soon.
Via – [Greenlaunches]
Rodem M1-1: An electric wheel chair that speeds up with a joystick