Venturi Eclectic car is eco-friendly

Soaring gas prices, economic crises, wars, pollution, irreversible changes in the climate… Our planet is going through a period when the stakes in terms of energy form the very basis for worldwide chaos. We can do our little bit to save our very own global resources by limiting our personal consumption of energy. Dubbed as the first autonomous vehicle in the history of the automobile, Venturi Eclectic opens up a new era in the field of mobility. Intended for daily driving in urban areas, its low energy consumption makes it the most economical environmental vehicle ever built. Innovative and astonishing, Eclectic is much more than a simple vehicle and is powered by electricity via 3 sources; plug-in, solar and wait for it . . . wind.

The roof is equipped with advanced photovoltaic cells to quickly harness the power of the sun keeping you juiced and ready to go. To support that system is a wind turbine that extends up and out capturing the power of wind should there be a gust and both are augmented with an advanced plug-in system for those overnight recharges. If you have fallen for this eco-friendly automobile, then you’ll actually be able to buy it next summer for about $31,500 from the limited version of 200 vehicles as according to a Venturi press release. A higher level of production should see the light of day sometime in 2009.