Our highly anticipated Wellness Travel Predictions are in! These are just the six top trends shaping the business of travel today. The first quarter of the year finds us dropping the baggage of the year past and pressing the reboot button. There is no denying that we can use a little more wellness in our fast-paced lives. Maybe this will help you to find more reasons to travel this year.
Transformative Wellness Travel is the new buzz word for 2019.
Similar to experiential travel it goes a tad beyond to include self-reflection and development or mindfulness and deeper communion with nature. Leading this shift is the Wellness industry that is at the sweet spot of both discovery and self-improvement. It’s time to say hello to “Performative Wellness”. The definition of wellness has shifted paving way for a burgeoning demand for health tourism. Giving rise to Transformative Travel and Travel to Heal solutions from organisations like Healing Hotels of the World. Creating a new space in the intersection of hospitality and wellness.
Pure Life Experiences as an inspiration to Travel.
To quote the Founder of Evergreen Escapes …” we are disconnecting from ourselves, our relationships, nature, and culture. The external pieces of an itinerary don’t reveal the inner journey a trip can inspire “
People are realising that their health goals don’t necessarily have to be separate from their travel goals. They don’t want to stop traveling lest they upset their health regimes. Medical Experts on the property will tailor a thorough personalised bespoke program which incorporates medical diagnosis, naturopathic therapies, regular focused exercise, calorie restricted diets, meditation and whatever else your healing requires.
-Merits of a Vacation beyond Instagram.Travel for real Impact.
Brands are getting “Real” about Wellness. Personalised nutrition, Keto diets, gluten-free options, and superfoods, organic carbon neutral vegan tables are pandering to travelers demand for the here and now. Better for you is better for the brand. Sustainability and ethics protocols are shifting the wellness bar even higher. Brands like Aman, Hyatt, are frontliners when it comes to taking wellness to a level of sustainable well-being for their guests.
-Who knew Nirvana was tucked away in 300 thread count ?
Sleeping Well is a huge priority and a huge market. Amazon’s Jeff Bezos named adequate sleep as a driver of success making the health conscious chase those sacred eight hours and Westin’s Heavenly beds or Hilton’s Serenity Beds. Hotels are reimagining their sleep optimisation technology and holistic relaxation techniques. From CBD oils to neuroscientists odes to sleep it’s evoking the golden age of mattresses!
-Sanctuaries of Healing have given impetus to the biggest industry trend.
These include personal solo immersions, mindfulness retreats, couple spa retreats, health reboots, spiritual and healing journeys. Giving rise to companies like Wellness Escapes the UK’s largest and most established wellness holiday company. The #Zero waste hashtag has amassed millions of followers making unpackaged fruits and vegetables the ultimate zero waste snack. Further healing the planet is part of healing yourself giving rise to Voluntourism holidays where people are back to natural farming to know where their food comes from and what exactly is in it.
-Memories that last beyond the physical journey. Seeking a shift in travel goals.
One Stop Wellness destinations are it. Enter the world of Med Spa and Wellness Resorts. Using a holistic approach to mind, body, soul these destinations use advanced medical techniques paired sensitively with alternate therapies and local wellness traditions to deliver optimal results. Go for just a week and get meaningful results. The Farm at San Benito is perhaps the most serious Med Spa Wellness offering in Asia. Promising a life-changing experience marrying scientific and evidence-based medical techniques with eastern wisdom and alternative therapies rooted in the Philippines and Chinese traditions and years of award-winning holistic healing.