Spotlight Live New York – Feel famous for a night

I am spellbound…I don’t know how to go further with this article, but I’m not good at keeping the news to myself either. If this is anything to go by then I’m floored by the very concept of this place. There aren’t likely to be many eating or drinking establishments that can offer the star power of Spotlight Live, located right at New York’s Times Square. This jumbo karaoke emporium on something much stronger than steroids is a 23,000 square-foot, a four-story potential nightmare for anyone but those with a craving for the limelight. With fake paparazzi waiting at the door (your mug will show up everywhere), and your record contract waiting to be signed inside, you are in for a real expose. Once you’ve selected your song, you are whisked to the VIP green room (with white leather couches of course) where you and your performance are polished and perfected (if possible) with the help of choreographers and make-up artists. Off you go on to the massive stage where a professional band and back-up singers are ready to make you sound like a star (again, if possible) as your stellar performance is streamed live to the web and onto a 25-by-40-foot Jumbotron in Times Square. With the five recording booths, seemingly hundreds of flat screens, and constant instant messaging between tables, you may forget that there is food, too.

Mini gourmet burgers, cotton candy, and crispy rock shrimp will keep you happy as you ogle and critique those braver than you on the stage. The concept has more star power behind it than most places with the joint efforts of three serial hospitality entrepreneurs: Elisabeth Blau with serious Las Vegas experience, Kerry Simon of Las Vegas and Iron Chef Fame, and former Jerry Bruckheimer production V.P. Jennifer Worthington. New York wait for me…I’m coming.