The pandemic has coerced the world to reexamine its methods, innovate, reimagine, and unlearn to learn new things so much so that school-on-vacation has become a reality. What would have seemed like an absolutely bizarre idea in 2019 has become just one of the ways hotels are getting creative to bring back customers after the travel industry suffered a particularly heavy blow from the coronavirus pandemic’s toll on the travel industry. The Four Seasons Resort Orlando at Walt Disney World presents the children of the pandemic-stricken world and their parents the chance of a special ‘Schoolcation’ offer with supervised remote learning. So while the kids have to continue their educational journeys by staring into the screens all day there’s no reason why they can’t do so while taking a family vacation. The Four Seasons Resort Orlando at Walt Disney World Resort arranges to attend class remotely from the resort’s quiet, dedicated learning space followed by a super-fun recess at the Explorer Island water park, where they can swim, float down the lazy river, and also experience outdoor recreation such as sand volleyball, basketball, foosball, table-tennis, and more. To make sure the children are safe at all times, schoolwork sessions are held in small-group classroom settings in spacious, airy event rooms keeping the social distancing norms in mind; no more than six students can occupy a classroom either for a half-day from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon, or a full day from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m., with lunch included.
This sounds like a wonderful idea for families that would want a break from the monotony of a distant, quarantined life without having to sacrifice valuable school time. There isn’t a better way to enjoy the best of both worlds if we take a good look around us. The supervised study sessions are available Monday through Friday beginning Sept. 14, 2020, for $50 per child for a half-day session or $100 per child for the full session.
The Four Seasons hotel at the Disney World Resort is offering ‘Schoolcation’ packages that combine the fun of a vacation with supervised remote learning