Miami could get a skyline altering 1000 feet tall hairpin shaped landmark

If ‘Miami’ to you meant ‘beaches,’ you may have to rethink your definition. Miami is set to become the city of the ‘SkyRise.’ Well, almost. A local developer, Jeff Berkowitz, has designed what looks like a vertical hairpin with features such as fine dining, bungee jumping, a “drop ride,” and an amphitheater. And if things go as planned (by Berkowitz), the structure would be the tallest building in Miami, sitting on a tiny sliver of land behind Downtown’s Bayside development.

“This is going to become Miami’s Eiffel Tower,” expressed Berkowitz of the 1000 feet tall marvel. The $300-$400 million SkyRise is currently in search of investors. Talks are on between Berkowitz and prospective Chinese backers.

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The search shouldn’t be long considering the curvaceous, open-sided structure, has been created by Arquitectonica so that hurricane-force winds can safely blow through it. The sleek, steel, and glass Gargantua-on-water would also house a nightclub and a flight simulator.



[Via – Huffingtonpost]

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