Do you have $1000 for Google’s Yves Saint Laurent Cit-e backpack that controls your smartphone?

So it started with phones turning into smartphones and then into tablets cause smartphones weren’t enough and then came in a smartwatch to control the smartphone cause it just wasn’t easy enough anymore. And now we have news Google’s latest product is a $1,000 backpack that controls your smartphone. So this is clearly showing us technology isn’t resting and we are going to have newness in our tech lives always. The company’s touch-sensitive fabric technology is making a comeback of sorts in collaboration with luxury fashion brand Yves Saint Laurent. The Cit-E smart backpack is part of Google’s “connected clothing” venture, Jacquard and comes on the coattails of the smart commuter jacket they made with Levi’s a couple of years back. So the brains of this backpack are located on the left strap. The Cit-E backpack is powered by a removable “tag” that houses the battery and internal hardware. This tag pairs with the Jacquard app on your phone and renders a series of hand motions, programmed by you, into directives the app can carry out which means you can get a rundown on the news, your commute, and the weather as well as snap a selfie all with the wave of a hand. There are four gestures that can be triggered — “Brush In,” “Brush Down,” “Double Tap,” and “Cover,” and the Project Jacquard app has been redesigned to make programming the tag even easier.

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The backpack isn’t for everyone as it has a lot of expensive names and features attached to it. It’s a luxury product and commands a luxury price. To get it for yourself you’ll have to shell out $995. Take the technology out and it’s a nice bag in itself built from 100% nylon with a canvas lining and features a sleek black color scheme with a minimalistic approach.

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