Selfridges one of the UK’s biggest retailers has banned the sale of carbonated drinks in single-use plastic bottles

Now this is what we call a sustainable upgrade! Selfridges, one of the most prominent departmental stores in the UK has recently resolved to stop the sale of single-use plastic bottles that contain carbonated drinks. The ecological move comes in wake of the dire need to save oceans and water bodies, that are loathed with tons of plastic each year.

Scheduled to take immediate effect this week, Selfridges’ decision will stop the sale of six tonnes of plastic each year and will hopefully encourage several other companies into adopting similar eco-friendly measures. Alannah Weston, deputy chairwoman of Selfridges group quoted “At Selfridges we want to continue to support the change and give our customers the choice to buy better. We are seeing a huge shift in people’s attitudes to single-use plastic water bottles, and now, carbonated drinks. ” Being a pioneering eco-champion, Selfridges also hopes to deter soft drink giants from using plastic in their manufactures, in the time to come.

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In 2015, the company had banned the usage of all plastic carrier bags from its stores and plastic bottles from its restaurants and has also stopped the sale of products containing microbeads soon thereafter. Selfridges’ recent move forms part of Zoological Society of London (ZSL)’s One Less campaign to reduce London’s contribution to plastic waste. A quick bow-down to Selfridges for being an eco-hero and inspiring us to buy better!

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A lawyer with a zeal for writing, Ekta has a deep love for linguistics, travel, and philosophy. Not an adrenalin junkie but likes going on occasional hikes to beat the weekday blues. Her bucket list includes escapades to Vietnam, Cambodia, and Morocco.