The third and the final installment of the latest Star Wars trilogy, The Rise of Skywalker, is set to hit theatres on December 20, and the usual pre-release promotion and publicity exercises have peaked to build the hype. A part of it is the partnership between Lucasfilm (Disney) and Korean consumer electronics giant Samsung which was announced last month. The two Galaxies – a galaxy far, far away and the Samsung Galaxy – have collided to spawn the first collaborative piece. The Samsung Galaxy Note 10+ has jumped to the dark side of the force and launch a special edition version dedicated to Kylo Ren. Decked out in black with red accents, the special edition gets Star Wars-inspired design elements and digital content. This special edition device will be bundled with a specially designed case, a metal badge as a collector’s item, an S Pen, and Galaxy Buds.
The special edition Galaxy Note 10+ features a First Order logo at the back along with the Star Wars branding. The power and volume buttons are finished in red in addition to the camera housing and the S Pen. Also included in the package is a Kylo-Ren-themed phone case and a metal badge as a collector’s item. The software of this special Galaxy comes with Star Wars-themed content such as “wallpapers, shutdown animations, icons, and sounds.” The Galaxy Note10+ Star Wars™ Edition will only be available in select markets in limited quantities. An Unlocked by Samsung version of the special edition will be sold in the US for $1,299.99 starting December 13.